BWCA - Pow Wow Trail

Tom & Heidi Pinkerton
April, 2010

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Day 5 - Quadga Lake to Trailhead (Thursday, April 22)

9.7 miles


Sun rises on crisp morning at campsite on Quadga Lake. (click on any image for larger version)
Animal (deer?) bones strewn near campsite on Quadga Lake.
Spur trail from Quadga Lake leads us back to the main Pow Wow Trail.
Katy enjoys the much easier trail along southern side of loop.
View north toward Diana Lake.
Crossing newer bridge over stream near Diana Lake.
Small campsite at Marathon Lake.
View of Fallen Arch Lake.
Huge bog just west of trail loop junction.
Closing the loop at the trail junction.
Beautiful spruce bog along spur trail south of main loop.
Back to the stream flowing out of Isabella Lake.
The home stretch back to the trailhead.
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BWCA - Pow Wow Trail, April 2010 Copyright 2010 Tom Pinkerton