BWCA - Pow Wow Trail

Tom & Heidi Pinkerton
April, 2010

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Day 4 - Rock Of Ages Lake to Quadga Lake (Wednesday, April 21)

6.9 miles


Katy awaits her marching orders on the morning of day four.
(click on any image for larger version)
Katy soaks in warmth from sun rising over Rock Of Ages Lake.
Katy still hasn't figured out what to do with this thing.
On the trail overlooking Rock Of Ages Lake.
Rock cairn stands guard above Rock Of Ages Lake.
Shoreline at campsite on Path Lake.
Heidi makes it over fallen half of large white pine blocking trail at Path Lake.
Beaver pond between Path and Mirror Lakes.
Heidi crawls under more deadfall between Path and Mirror Lakes.
All the deadfall is making Heidi go insane!
Someone evidently lost a shoe in the mucky bog just north of Mirror Lake.
Overlooking pretty Mirror Lake.
South end of Superstition Lake.
Beaver pond crossing just west of Myth Lake.
View north up the creek between Myth and Exploit Lakes.
The trail becomes flatter and wider as we near Quadga Lake.
View of Quadga Lake from our final night's campsite.
A wet Katy gets bundled up as temperatures fall rapidly. She's ashamed to be seen this way.
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BWCA - Pow Wow Trail, April 2010 Copyright 2010 Tom Pinkerton