BWCA - Pow Wow Trail

Tom & Heidi Pinkerton
April, 2010

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Day 1 - Trailhead to Pose Lake (Sunday, April 18)

6.3 miles


The Pow Wow Trail is that way. (click on any image for larger version)
Entering the BWCAW a short distance from the trailhead.
Heidi and Katy hike an early segment of the trail.
Stream exiting Isabella Lake crosses the path.
Huge beaver dam and pond just south of trail loop junction.
A rare sign at trail loop junction points west and north.
Katy, with fully loaded dog pack, enjoys a moment with Heidi.
Hiking northeast from trail loop junction on wide and well-defined path.
Peeling birch bark. The trees have eyes?
Timber across side trail leading to unmaintained east loop of old Pow Wow Trail.
Beavers have been busy at northeast corner of trail loop.
Another of the many beaver dams along the trail.
No, don't go that way or you'll get "Lost in the Wild". Sign points away from unmaintained north loop of old Pow Wow Trail where hiker Jason Rasmussen went astray in 2001.
Yes, that's the correct way west on the main Pow Wow Trail. Rare signs in the BWCAW.
We reach our first night's campsite at Pose Lake.
Katy takes a dip at Pose Lake.
Enjoying sunset at Pose Lake campsite.
Buzz shot at first night's campsite on Pose Lake.
Katy watches the sun go down over Pose Lake.
Pose Lake sunset.
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BWCA - Pow Wow Trail, April 2010 Copyright 2010 Tom Pinkerton