BWCA - Pow Wow Trail

Tom & Heidi Pinkerton
April, 2010

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Day 3 - North Wilder Lake to Rock Of Ages Lake (Tuesday, April 20)

5 miles


Morning of day three on North Wilder Lake.
(click on any image for larger version)
Hiking along North Wilder Lake.
Heidi navigates the rugged trail west of North Wilder Lake.
Another fun cliff along the Pow Wow Trail.
One of the large white pines between North Wilder and Horseshoe Lakes.
Spring is blooming in mid April.
Spring buds opening early.
Overlooking Horseshoe Lake.
Lichen covered boulder beside trail at Horseshoe Lake.
Heidi eyes yet another cliff to climb down near Horseshoe Lake.
The trail becomes engulfed by cedars as we near Lake Three.
Heidi balances across stream between Horseshoe Lake and Lake Three.
Katy considers a plunge into Lake Three.
Moose like the Pow Wow Trail even more than people.
Rocky section of trail north of Rock Of Ages Lake.
Trail follows a steep rock ledge above ravine just north of Rock Of Ages Lake.
Katy arrives at campsite on north end of Rock Of Ages Lake.
Katy rests her trail weary legs at Rock Of Ages campsite.
Twilight at third night's campsite overlooking Rock Of Ages Lake.
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BWCA - Pow Wow Trail, April 2010 Copyright 2010 Tom Pinkerton