Day 2 - Pose Lake to North Wilder Lake (Monday, April 19)
5.8 miles
Pose Lake campsite. (click on any image for larger version)
Heading back out onto the trail on day two.
The trail begins to get a little rougher west of Pose Lake.
Some early spring color along the Pow Wow Trail.
Elevation changes become more frequent west of Pose Lake.
The terrain becomes more rugged between Pose and South Wilder Lakes.
Moss covered section adds to trail's wide variation in landscapes.
Colorful fungi. (red-belted polypore?)
Boulder with sapling in South Wilder Lake.
Trail degrades into boulder field along South Wilder Lake.
Resting at elevated campsite overlooking north end of South Wilder Lake.
Some portions of trail seem more like rock climbing than hiking.
The trail is frequently blocked by deadfall, especially along north and west sections of loop.
More beautiful moss covered stretches.
Second night's campsite along North Wilder Lake.
Sun setting on North Wilder Lake.
Katy realizes that backpacking is hard work.